Welcome to DDS GP.

The purpose of DDS GP is to assist you, the dental professional, in presenting diagnoses and treatment plans to your patients.  As your patients gain understanding of the importance of the treatment recommended, case acceptance levels can increase.  

In twenty years as a private practice general dentist, I have repeatedly noticed that the degree of case acceptance and amount of word-of-mouth referrals is directly proportional to time I (and my staff, but mostly I) spend conversing with the patient.  In the past, my staff would show patients a commercially produced video clip of what they needed and then ask "are you ready to make your appointment?"  When I changed to direct conversation instead, the answer to that question was much more often, "Yes."

To facilitate this interaction with your patients, I created DDS GP.  With its size, portability, and excellent battery life, the iPad facilitates the conversation we should be having by bringing us closer to the patient as opposed to looking at a video "over there."   This is why there is no audio component to the demonstrations… YOU are the audio!

DDS GP is presented as a series of drawings.  Much thought was given to this interface type, and demonstrations that portray dental problems and solutions without being scary were preferred.  So you need not worry about scaring your patient by showing blood, needles, or drills.

Just below the main demonstration area of each screen is a bar with a round handle called the “slider”.  Use the slider (or the arrows at each end to move single steps) to portray severity of a condition or steps in a treatment.

If you are not sure what to say, or there is one particular procedure in your office where your case acceptance rate is too low, consider using Yes! with Paul Homoly for help.  Dr. Homoly is an internationally recognized speaker who gives excellent hints and tips to improve your case acceptance.  Elsewhere in this help is more information about DDS GP Yes!  If you purchased the Yes! app, the Dr. Homoly components are already in your app.  You will learn how to access this information elsewhere in this help.  If you have not purchased the Yes! version of DDS GP, don't despair. You can easily upgrade if you feel it would be helpful to you.

We hope you enjoy using DDS GP.

Robert Marcus, D.M.D.

Poway, CA